#RPGaDay – On dice

Today’s Question: August 1: Dice, dice apps, or diceless, how do you roll? At this point, I cannot dissemble about the fact that I like dice. I may even like them beyond their role in the games I play. I have and use dice apps. I have and have enjoyed diceless games, but it is … Continue reading

Deliberating on Dice

I believe that I like dice. I once received a YouTube comment on an unboxing video displaying some new dice designs, which in very pointed terms asked, ‘What the [expletive deleted] I would need’ such things for. It’s a good question, from a certain point of view, I suppose. I tried to answer as best … Continue reading

The Missing Spherical Dice~

D5, D7, D14, D18, D22, D24

The Kickstarter project by Impact! Miniatures went smoothly from the backers’ perspective, and was characterized by clear and frequent communication about each stage of the development process from the beginning. Yesterday, my backer rewards arrived a little earlier than I expected. It wasn’t an easy road for the developers to travel, but they have persevered … Continue reading

To Dice, Perchance to Dream

I have been thinking about how dice actually shape my games, and wondering how it is possible for them to do so. Apart from the superstitions I have found reflected in the habits and thoughts of gamers I have met from around the world, in what ways do the dice we use collaborate in the … Continue reading

Dice and the Gingerbread Person

Not long ago, an excellent new channel on YouTube called EmergentPlay began posting short, punchy clips pertaining to   RPG theory and practice. If you have not taken a look at this channel yet, I cannot recommend it highly enough. The poster is very well-spoken, well-prepared, and game-literate; and the clips are 2-5 minutes of thought-provocation. Last … Continue reading

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