Recasting Canon: Star Wars

Whenever someone considers running a Star Wars game, or a game in a setting as beloved and expansive, the question of how to handle canon tends to arise. This can be a pleasant experience, or it can lead to arguments…. like pretty much everything else in life. Unsurprisingly, I hope, I come out in favor … Continue reading

Navigating the Empire, part 2 ~ Space Combat

This is the second in a new series of posts about the specific mechanics of the Star Wars RPG from Fantasy Flight Games. For those who prefer to watch or listen to YouTube videos instead of reading, you can find a similar post on my Channel. There is an overview of the mechanics and approaches to … Continue reading

Navigating the Empire, part 1 ~ The Force

This is the first post in a new series of posts about the specific mechanics of the Star Wars RPG from Fantasy Flight Games. It is in an unusual format, however, as its content will be video not text. After a flurry of activity for RPGaDay 2015, I have been pressed for time to post … Continue reading

Deeper Impressions from the Edge of the Empire

This series was originally envisioned as being of technical discussions and recaps for our Edge of the Empire campaign, but that latter aspect ended up being shunted to the YouTube channel. Now that the campaign is in its 8th month, the idea of trying to catch up on written recaps is a preposterous one, and … Continue reading

BrigadeCon Update: 2 weeks left!

At the time of writing, there are just twelve days until the online gaming convention under the inclusive name ‘BrigadeCon’ will open its virtual doors for the first time. As mentioned in previous posts, the convention has been organized for two purposes, promoting the fun and vitality of playing tabletop roleplaying games via services like … Continue reading

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