Mythos Mythras: Tone and Tenor

There is a sense among gamers that for games played with Lovecraft and Company’s Cthulhu Mythos as the setting, that insanity, death, or both are a foregone conclusion. Play to Find Out takes on a slightly limited meaning, ‘play to find out how you meet your end.’ I think it is helpful to take a … Continue reading

Mythos Mythras: Methods of Madness

Mythras introduces rules for the mental effects of ‘unpleasantness’ and long-term abuse and vices in its Luther Arkwright: Roleplaying Across the Parallels expansion which also broadens the social and technological base of the game beyond the bronze and iron ages into the industrial age and far, far beyond. This makes it a solid match for … Continue reading

Mythos Mythras

Mythos Mythras, you say…? We are currently using Mythras + Luther Arkwright, with some renaming of player information, to run a Mythos campaign set at various points in the 19th and 20th centuries. One of the goals is to heighten the horror of Mythos activity and encounters by bringing human cult violence and insanity into … Continue reading

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