Call of Cthulhu Rises Again~

In the imagined situation these characters and their decisions create and keep in motion, I have presented the players with some curious and upsetting details. As the clock ticks on, Terrence and Callum have followed their motivations, their curiosity, and their urge to find fame and fortune in breaking this case open in the papers. Smalls has found the secrets of the bloodthirsty book and its intimations about one Ludvig Prinn to be so fascinating it is worth heaving his massive bulk out of his shop and apartment on Newbury Street to uncover the truth of them.

#RPGaDay2022 – Day 9: What 2?

#RPGaDay2022 Day 9, wherein a simple question becomes both detailed and complex~

Mythos Mythras: Tone and Tenor

There is a sense among gamers that for games played with Lovecraft and Company’s Cthulhu Mythos as the setting, that insanity, death, or both are a foregone conclusion. Play to Find Out takes on a slightly limited meaning, ‘play to find out how you meet your end.’ I think it is helpful to take a … Continue reading

#RPGaDay Day 23: Worst Luck

Today’s Question: What is one of your best ‘worst luck’ stories? Today’s tale is one that is better heard than read, I am afraid, so please forgive me if I direct you to the video below. The video is short, as these things go, and full of energy and smiles and whatnot. Let’s just say … Continue reading

Saturday Seed ~ 200 (Call of Cthulhu)

This 200th entry will be the last Saturday Seed on this blog.  It has been enjoyable to share some of these seeds for different games over the last 4 years, but this nice round number of seeds is telling me that it is time to try something else for my short, weekly post. That is … Continue reading

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