Call of Cthulhu Rises Again~

In the imagined situation these characters and their decisions create and keep in motion, I have presented the players with some curious and upsetting details. As the clock ticks on, Terrence and Callum have followed their motivations, their curiosity, and their urge to find fame and fortune in breaking this case open in the papers. Smalls has found the secrets of the bloodthirsty book and its intimations about one Ludvig Prinn to be so fascinating it is worth heaving his massive bulk out of his shop and apartment on Newbury Street to uncover the truth of them.

#RPGaDAY2023 Day 31

Another year of #RPGaDAY has come to its inevitable conclusion! Day 31 of #RPGaDAY2023 asks us about a game we could describe as one of our favorites EVER. Mine hasn’t changed over the many years of my gaming, but it has gotten markedly better~

#RPGaDAY2023 Day 29

Do you remember when…?

#RPGaDAY2023 Day 28

#RPGaDAY2023 Day 28 – Fear is the mirror that shows us the truth about who we really are.

#RPGaDAY2023 Day 27

Day 27: As we enter the final stretch of #RPGaDAY2023 we are asked for our thoughts on a new version of a game we love. Go boldly into a realm of reimagination~

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