Taking Charge of Long-Distance Gaming ~ December Blog Carnival

This post for December’s blog carnival on the topic of ‘taking charge’ will suggest the means and methods to establish a game, even when you find yourself far from other like-minded gamers. As I live in Korea, this is a problem I sometimes face, and the two methods which have given me the most success … Continue reading

More Gaming with Google+

As readers of this blog already know, I like Play by e-Mail games and have found them much easier to run since the advent of Gmail. A few weeks ago, I transformed a game slated to be run as a PBeM into a game run via Google+ and my initial feeling is that I will … Continue reading

Walking in Gumshoes ~ The End of the Road

Our Mutant City Blues campaign has not been declared dead, but the lack of an official pronouncement does not make it less so. Predictably, the game to a crashing halt the moment it was about to take off. There is nothing about Gumshoe or Mutant City Blues itself which contributed to this, so this post will not get … Continue reading

Walking in Gumshoes ~ The Crime

Our Mutant City Blues campaign started off with a brief out-of-character discussion about how the Heightened Crimes Unit would be represented in Montreal, an overview of altered history and the future’s altered history, a primer on changes in Montreal, and then we segued into the Google Drive Document for the start of in-character play. That we are doing … Continue reading

Walking in Gumshoes ~ Investigating

For all intents and purposes, our three characters are now in the thick of investigating our first crime scene for our Mutant City Blues campaign. We opened in the Montreal Heightened Crime Units bullpen, where the three of us were assigned a homicide case at a local culinary landmark. We  have spent the last two weeks … Continue reading

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    Do not summon up that which you cannot also put down:

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