#RPGaDay2022 – Day 21: Setting

Today, #RPGaDay2022 wants to hear of wonder, fascination, and ideas which ensnare and intrigue the mind~

The Blue Planet Curse

Sometimes the price of playing the games you love is not playing *a* game you love~

#RPGaDay Day 14: Dream Team

Today’s #RPGaDay Question: Who would be on your dream team of people you used to game with? Of all the people you have gamed with in the past, who would you like to bring together to play as a group? Some may take this as a divisive question, and I wish that there were something … Continue reading

Saturday Seed ~ 186 (Blue Planet)

This Saturday Seed presents an idea for the rough and tumble SF frontier of Blue Planet’s Poseidon. The seed This seed is based around the concept of the sort of continuous reinvention needed to survive in a new, and constantly changing environment. Poseidon sets the example of ‘adapt or die,’ but does everyone see it? … Continue reading

Saturday Seed ~ 179 (Blue Planet)

This Saturday Seed presents an idea for Blue Planet now released by FASA. The seed A research team and their transport crew have been exposed to a virulent and highly communicable virus. The effects of the infection seem to culminate in crazed and violent behavior before the victim collapses into fevers leading to death. Planting … Continue reading

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