Three Favorites? A contest~

Can you list three systems you prefer, based on play experience, and why you prefer them?

A barrow to die in~

A response, of sorts, to Death Trap Games on the subject of the blog post, Identification and Immersion.

The Nibiru RPG by Araukana Media

How do we know we are who are if not from our memories? How far would you go and what would you do to remember the forgotten?

#RPGaDay2020 – Day 28: Edge

Today’s post for #RPGaDay2020 marks the end, or rather the last trailing edge, of the detour through a variant prompt order. From tomorrow, we will be back on numerical track for the last three days of the event. I am quite pleased with how that all works out. Today, others get to enjoy my favorite … Continue reading

#RPGaDay2020 – Day 27: Humor

For #RPGaDay2020 I have chosen to respond to the prompts by writing about each one as if it were a moment of play in a Ghostbusters campaign. Using the alternate version of the infographic (shown below) this series of posts has moved through the prompts following the logic of the map rather than the numerical … Continue reading

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