Rectify, by Hansor Publishing

We often examine games. It’s not often that one examines us back, or at least, not with such an intense hunger.

Saturday Seed ~ 40 (Mutants and Masterminds)

This week’s seed is ostensibly being planted for Mutants and Masterminds, although ultimately, this seed could be planted in pretty much any sort of superheroes game with a certain level of reality behind it. This seed is another very basic one, and can be summed up in two short words: Moving Day. Planting the seed: … Continue reading

Icons: Waters of Casablanca

My proposed Icons Campaign, Waters of Casablanca, (otherwise known as ‘I was misinformed’) has gotten the short shrift these past few weeks as planning moves into high gear for the Mechwarrior Campaign, and as my deep interest in the Ubiquity system in general, and All for One: Regime Diabolique grows into a dangerous obsession. We … Continue reading

Iconic Heroes: Approaching Characters

Character creation in Icons is simple, but limiting it to emulate the type of “super-empowerment” demonstrated in Heroes will add some complications to the process. Using the point build method will certainly make things easier for players, but with that route missing out on the mystery of what power they will have, and considering my … Continue reading

Influences on Character

In both of my proposed campaigns, Icons and Mechwarrior, I have a lot of lead time to prepare and I have clear themes in mind. Really, this is the second best of all possible situations. It could only be made better by having clear start dates, and known players with clear character ideas. As I … Continue reading

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