On Immersion and Engagement in RPG Play

To help explore the topic of what can be meant in general, and what we specifically mean in a given example when we wax eloquent about immersion, I like to separate things into two defined experiences, that of immersion, and that of engagement. Immersion can suffice on its own, but as usual, the more things a word applies to the more ways it can subtly interfere with communication.

#RPGaDay2022 – Day 30: What 5?

#RPGaDay2022 wonders what can be done to help the 10th anniversary of the event be both engaging and new. What can you suggest?

#RPGaDay2022 – Day 16: What 3?

Perfection is attainable and not just in the imagination or in #RPGaDay2022 posts~

#RPGaDay2022 – Day 15: Who 3?

Impossibility is no barrier to today’s question for #RPGaDay2022 as we share who we would like to have GM for us~

#RPGaDay2022 – Day 14: Suggestion Sunday

Recommend a cool game for #RPGaDay2022 and tag 1d8+1 friends to discuss it with in celebration of this 9th year of RPG positivity~

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